StudentSt. Xavier’s College, Bombay. Economics group with Father San Marti, S.J. Head of the Department. Mid. 1950s1960s Vice-chairman IDBI, June 4, 1970 – November 20, 1970. IDBI Boardroom.With trainees, Reserve Bank of India Staff Training College, Madras, May 13, 1971Amritsar, 1974. R K Hazari, Deputy Governor, RBI accompanied by his cousin Lt. Gen. (then Brig.) K.K. Hazari who retired as Vice-Chief, Army StaffInspecting Border Security Force (BSF) Guard of Honour, Wagh Border Check Post, 1976Colombo, Sri Lanka, August 1979With H.T. Parekh (founder, HDFC) mid-1980s
The raison d’etre of credit rating agencies (CRAs) is to anticipate events such as defaults before they occur. With access to companies’ privileged information,...
Does anyone remember why India opened up the insurance sector to private, including foreign, investment at the start of this century?
A quarter of a...
Indian economy faces twin problems of poor demand and high food inflation. The Budget needs to increase total expenditure/GDP and fiscal deficit to provide...
Podcast with The Core on Expected Slowdown in Bank Credit from 10:39
I, Hemindra Kishen Hazari, am a Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)...