Source : SIFY Author : Finance Desk Last Updated: Tue, Feb 18th, 2020, 15:27:53 hrs India's most trusted, rich, and successful banker - Uday Kotak is alleged to have made gains of Rs 23,000 crores. The allegation has been made by financial analyst Hemindra Hazari, a SEBI registered analyst and columnist. For...
BY CHARLIE CAMPBELL / SINGAPORE  JANUARY 30, 2023 6:00 AM EST Article can be read here
9 min read. Updated: 22 Oct 2020, 08:48 PM IST Shayan Ghosh Incoming CEO Sashidhar Jagdishan inherits a bank in fine fettle. Where will he take it from here? Over the upcoming Dussehra weekend, more than 100,000 employees at HDFC Bank will come together, virtually, to offer a befitting farewell to outgoing chief executive...
G.R. Gopinath DECEMBER 02, 2020 00:15 IST UPDATED: DECEMBER 01, 2020 22:58 IST They will not only enrich themselves but also crush competition First, a confession is in order. Would I want to own a bank and have a key to the bank treasury to start a new airline? You bet! Can...
3 min read. 09:31 PM IST Dhirendra Tripathi It all started on 24 Jan when independent director Sandeep Parekh panned a news report that said HDFC Bank had roped in the services of Egon Zehnder to identify a successor to Adita Puri Blame the medium. It’s social media and it’s Twitter, which...
Chloe Cornish Entire article can be read here
Updated: 27 Jun 2021, 10:13 PM IST Gopika Gopakumar, ShayanGhosh  Sandeep Bakhshi took over an embattled bank in late 2018. In just 10quarters, things have changed Since Bakhshi joined, the share of the bank’s corporate loans in thetotal loan book has been almost flat at 24%. Moreover, the bank...