Source : SIFY Author : Finance Desk Last Updated: Tue, Feb 18th, 2020, 15:27:53 hrs
India's most trusted, rich, and successful banker - Uday Kotak is alleged to have made gains of Rs 23,000 crores. The allegation has been made by financial analyst Hemindra Hazari, a SEBI registered analyst and columnist.
JANUARY 30, 2023 6:00 AM EST
Article can be read here
9 min read. Updated: 22 Oct 2020, 08:48 PM IST Shayan Ghosh
Incoming CEO Sashidhar Jagdishan inherits a bank in fine fettle. Where will he take it from here?
Over the upcoming Dussehra weekend, more than 100,000 employees at HDFC Bank will come together, virtually, to offer a befitting farewell to outgoing chief executive...
G.R. Gopinath DECEMBER 02, 2020 00:15 IST UPDATED: DECEMBER 01, 2020 22:58 IST
They will not only enrich themselves but also crush competition
First, a confession is in order. Would I want to own a bank and have a key to the bank treasury to start a new airline? You bet! Can...
3 min read. 09:31 PM IST Dhirendra Tripathi
It all started on 24 Jan when independent director Sandeep Parekh panned a news report that said HDFC Bank had roped in the services of Egon Zehnder to identify a successor to Adita Puri
Blame the medium. It’s social media and it’s Twitter, which...
Chloe Cornish
Entire article can be read here
Updated: 27 Jun 2021, 10:13 PM IST Gopika Gopakumar, ShayanGhosh
Sandeep Bakhshi took over an embattled bank in late 2018. In just 10quarters, things have changed Since Bakhshi joined, the share of the bank’s corporate loans in thetotal loan book has been almost flat at 24%. Moreover, the bank...