Home R K Hazari

R K Hazari

Articles published by R K Hazari and citations of his work

Edited transcript of a talk delivered to the Institute of Company Secretaries, Northern India Regional Council, New Delhi, December 4, 1979 I have great pleasure in being with you this evening.   The pleasure is all the greater because I know that you are not listening to me on an...
By K S Krishnaswamy I RAVI HAZARI was not by any means an old man when he died. He was barely fifty-five, though he had Retired' as Deputy Governor eight years ago. Several friends of mine who knew him only by reputation have expressed surprise that he was so...
Rabindra Kishen Hazari (born October 21, 1932 in Patiala, died November 8, 1986 in Bombay), M.A., Ph.D , was educated at Government College, Lahore, St. Xavier’s College, Bombay and School of Economics and Sociology, Bombay University. He taught Economics at St. Xavier’s College, Bombay (1951-1964), during which he also contributed...
Jul 19, 2019 · 07:30 am Jairam Ramesh Jairam Ramesh’s biography of PN Haksar, who masterminded the nationalisation of banks announced by Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. As late as 9 July 1969, Haksar was not entirely convinced that banks had to be nationalised right away. Then three days later...
Edited transcript of a talk given to The Management Consultants Association of India, 8th October, 1982 BUSINESS STRATEGY The country is passing through a very difficult transition neither the philosophy nor the planning seems to be capable of holding water. For a long time, we have been accustomed to hear of many...
Edited version of a talk delivered to the participants of the National Insurance Academy in Goa in September 27, 1985. I. Some socio—economic  aspects Once you come to policy, there is no such thing as pure economic policy. If one is dealing with the environment or with society, there is no such thing...
Condensed from Lala Sir Shri Ram Memorial Lectures at the Department of Business Management, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, 1976 Dr. R K Hazari, Deputy Governor of the Reserve Bank of India and Chairman of the Agricultural Refinance and Development Corporation, is a self- proclaimed agnostic. He is proud of having...
The Reserve Bank of India released the first issue of 'Occasional Papers' in June 1976. On the editorial committee were V.V. Divatia, A. Raman, H.B. Shivamaggi & P.D. Ojha. The first editor was T.K. Velayudham. Introduction by R.K. Hazari.
In  the world as a whole, as a layman sees it, the great technological revolution in industry since the 1940's has been mainly concerned with electronics, aviation and space, which have speeded up communication tremendously. Whether it has improved mutual understanding is a very different matter. There is one other major deficiency of the...