Industrial Growth in India : Stagnation since the
Mid-Sixties by Isher Judge Ahluwalia; Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1985: pp
xxii + 235, Rs 120.
The Economic & Political Weekly, Vol. XX, No. 28. July 13, 1985
STUDIES in agricultural economics in India have been abundant as
well as productive. That is not the only...
Edited transcript of a Talk at the Patna Management Association, Patna
Mr. President, Gentlemen
I welcome the opportunity that you
have provided to visit Patna after nearly a decade
I have been involved in the
development problems of the eastern and north-eastern regions in the past and I
like to be Involved in them now...
Jairus Banaji
"Here the chief result is that since the 1960s, when both R. K. Hazari and Mike Kidron wrote fine studies of big business, there have been massive changes in the Indian corporate sector."
Speech Delivered by R K Hazari at the Administrative Staff College of India, Hyderabad.
Once upon a time there was a feeling in this country that the wise people, who had either been elected to power or who were likely to be elected to power or those who had...
Authored by Krishna Raj, the then editor (1969-2004), Economic and Political Weekly.