While the media was occupied with the government’s sudden move to replace the board of Infrastructure Leasing and Financial Services (IL&FS), another drama was playing out at the swanky headquarters of the firm.  The Serious Frauds Investigation Office (SFIO) was primed to spring into action, even as the government moved...
Author Gaurav Raghuvanshi Rebecca Isjwara DBS Group Holdings Ltd.'s ambitions to grow in India may get a leg up after the nation's central bank proposed it take over Lakshmi Vilas Bank Ltd., an ailing local lender, by infusing 25 billion rupees of additional capital. LVB, a 94-year old lender based in...
Ira Dugal @dugalira Apr 27 2021, 7:46 AM IST Apr 28 2021, 4:20 PM IST When seen over cycles, it can be said that every bank has its year. In the early 2000s and until a little after the global financial crisis, it was ICICI Bank Ltd. that was grabbing the growth. Then...
Ravi Krishnan There is this irrational joy mingled with relief that taxpayers feel on getting a tax refund, never mind that it was their money in the first place. Yes Bank investors too experienced that emotion last week when the lender revealed that RBI found its bad loan disclosures to...
An independent banking analyst Hemindra Hazari wrote a report questioning the corporate governance practices of companies which have employed her.
3 min read. Updated: 29 Oct 2020, 09:39 AM IST Tauseef Shahidi , Nikita Kwatra Indian CEOs are increasingly likely to ‘resign’ rather than retire, a Mint analysis shows Top Indian corporate leaders last fewer years in office than politicians do. A chief executive officer or managing director of an average BSE 500 company...