“Indian rating companies are reluctant to give poor ratings to companies before the default happens,” said independent analyst Hemindra Hazari, “They fear losing their clients.”
India will likely need to pump in additional capital into any state-owned banks it puts on the block to make them attractive for potential buyers, and faces challenges that range from the need to amend the nation's banking laws to hostile employee unions, analysts say. Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said...
AuthorRanina Sanglap Gaurav RaghuvanshiThemeBanking Many Indian nonbanking financial companies may remain short of funds as investors become more cautious and the economy contracts, adding risks to the broader financial system. Indian authorities have recently stepped up efforts to improve liquidity for nonbanking financial companies, or NBFCs, as the coronavirus pandemic halted the economy...
The role of independent directors is clearly defined, yet many of them feel they play a cameo role in a company, often failing to red flag fraudulent activity and serious governance lapses that eventually compromise minority shareholders' interests  BY NEHA BOTHRA 11 min readPUBLISHED: May 4, 2022 11:02:32 AM ISTUPDATED: May 4, 2022...
G.R. Gopinath DECEMBER 02, 2020 00:15 IST UPDATED: DECEMBER 01, 2020 22:58 IST They will not only enrich themselves but also crush competition First, a confession is in order. Would I want to own a bank and have a key to the bank treasury to start a new airline? You bet! Can...
13 Sep, 2020Zia Khan Gaurav Raghuvanshi Mohammad Abbas Taqi Banking India's state-owned banks have lagged behind their private-sector peers in tapping equity capital markets so far this year and are likely to remain dependent on government capital injections amid depleted market valuations and rising bad loans in a pandemic-battered economy, analysts...
Author Ranina SanglapTheme Banking India's nonbanking financial companies will need to choose between cheaper money and less onerous regulation if the central bank accepts a proposal by an internal panel to allow large NBFCs to convert into banks, analysts say. An internal working group of the Reserve Bank of India recommended...
The audit income of Deloitte, EY, PwC, and KPMG could be hit due to the new capping and mandatory joint audit norms. They are auditing more than a dozen non-bank lenders and will have to give up many clients to comply with the mandate of the regulator. Mannu AroraETCFOMay 03,...
India's richest man's endorsement of Congress candidate Milind Deora is a significant development in the current political climate, say political observers. NEWS18/04/2019 9:18 PM IST NEW DELHI―On Thursday morning, Milind Deora, the Congress candidate from Mumbai South constituency, tweeted a short video clip with a cross-section of people endorsing...