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Articles Published by Hemindra Hazari

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The press statement issued by ICICI Bank based on the enquiry report headed by Justice (Retd.) Srikrishna to investigate the allegations against Chanda Kochhar appears deliberately confusing and convoluted. While it states that Chanda Kochhar was in violation of the bank’s Code of Conduct, on the more serious charge of...
The ICICI Bank Board recently staged a ringing defence of its Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chanda Kochhar with a categorical press statement reposing trust in her. Now that statement has blown up in the board’s face. A new exposé has revealed the smoking gun: Kochhar and her family were...
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The air strikes launched by the Indian Air Force on Jaba Top in Balakot, in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan, have raised the stakes in the escalation of conflict between the two nuclear-armed neighbours in South Asia.  The stock market reaction on the morning of February 26...
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY. The Indian prime minister’s announcement that India had destroyed a ‘low-earth orbit’ satellite with a missile, and thus joined an elite club, suggests that the ruling party is desperate to deflect the voters’ attention from the dire economic situation in India. This desperation points to a reality...
It is curious that the first step of a reform-minded Chicago-school scholar was to announce a subsidy. Of course, unlike the subsidies that Rajan criticised as chairman of the Committee on Financial Sector Reforms in September 2008, this subsidy would go not to low income sections of the population, but to the banks.
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Post the downing of the Indian Air Force (IAF) MIG-21 by Pakistan over its territory and the capture and subsequent return of the pilot, the narrative which was strongly in favour of Narendra  Modi and the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) rapidly spiralled downwards. Whether the Pakistan Air...
Hemindra Hazari In the ongoing demonetisation saga, the credibility of India’s central bank keeps plunging to new depths. Repeated contradictory notifications, restrictions on cash withdrawal of deposits, inadequacy of new notes to replace the withdrawn high denomination notes, and a complete lack of transparency are just a handful of examples....
It has been 3½ years since the Reserve Bank of India imposed a moratorium on Yes Bank, superseded its board, and organised a financial bail-out by a State Bank of India (SBI)-led consortium, as well as a board and financial restructuring. While financial solvency and stability have been restored...